Graduate Teaching Assistant at Brown University
Math 90: Introductory Calculus, Part I (Spring 2022)Math 100: Introductory Calculus, Part II (Fall 2021)
Brown University Math PhD Teacher Training (Spring 2021)
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant at Wesleyan University
Math 272: Elementary Number Theory (Spring 2020)Math 261: Abstract Algebra: Groups, Rings, and Fields (Fall 2019)
Math 225: Fundamentals of Analysis: An Introduction to Real Analysis (Spring 2018)
Math 228: Discrete Mathematics (Fall 2017)
Notes and unpublished expository papers (mathematics)
- An introduction to arithmetic geometry and elliptic curves (spring 2021)
- An introduction to analytic number theory on GL(2) (fall 2020)
- Formulations and generalizations of Eisenstein series (summer 2020)
- The trace formula of Petersson (summer 2020)
Image at top of page taken from advertisement for Wesleyan University :)